What is Coaching? Really.

Coaching is not Therapy. Coaching is not Mentoring.

Coaching is a relatively new discipline that has emerged to assist us in resolving the challenges of personal and professional growth that we once had to navigate on our own. In the past, when we wanted to improve an aspect of our lives, we often turned to friends or family for guidance, and they would offer their opinions or advice based on their personal experiences, fears, and interests. However, each life is unique, and our stories differ. In coaching, there is no one-size-fits-all answer; YOUR LIFE IS UNIQUE, and you hold YOUR OWN ANSWERS. Coaching is here to help you discover them.

According to the definition by the International Coaching  Federation, coaching is a process of reflective and creative support that inspires us to maximize our full potential, both personally and professionally.

Coaching 1:1

What could you get out of it?

      • Find Balance
      • Discover your talents
      • Reconnect with your spirituality
      • Organize your finances
      • Find peace of mind
      • Discover your Purpose
      • Improve your relationships
      • Get a promotion
      • Increase your productivity
      • Enhance your leadership skills
      • Adopt new habits
      • Change your mindset
      • Find time for the things that matter

Ready to have your life transformed?

Let's find out if we are a good match
Book a call

What can you expect?

This is a deep self-discovery process that will allow you to recognize, accept, and make decisions more aligned with your heart and soul, not with what others consider is right. This process can help you reconnect with your emotions and give yourself the permissions you have not give until now. You will begin by defining what you want to achieve, what success means to you, what you consider as balance, and then uncovering your talents, and identifying the mental obstacles that have kept you away from your goals.

In coaching, questions are the primary tool. I do not provide advice because my life is very different from yours, and my advice may not make sense for your unique journey. Your life is one of a kind, and as a coach, my priority is to assist you in discovering who you are and your own truth. I also utilize tools such as meditation, visualizations, music, and art to facilitate the process of personal reflection.

What tangible results will you get?

      • You will believe in yourself and what you can achieve once again.
      • You will have a clear understanding of your talents and abilities.
      • You will gain clarity on your core values.
      • You will have more insight into your life’s purpose.
      • You will address pending decisions.
      • You will embark on a new relationship with yourself.
      • You will reconnect with your spiritual life.
      • You will give room to your dreams (forgotten ones and new ones).
      • You will rediscover joy in simple things and have fun again.
      • You’ll be ready to be yourself and have more authentic relationships.
      • You will start to take better care of yourself.

Working together includes:

  • We’ll meet via Zoom for a 60 minute session. (every week or every two weeks, depending on what you need right now)

  • Gallup Strengths Finder Assessment to identify your Top 5 strengths (and weaknesses) ®

  • I’ll share with you my favourite articles, tools, books, hacks, and resources to save you time and headaches on the path.

  • Weekly accountability

  • 1:1 access to science based tools, as well as high frequency energy.

    Still have questions?

    That's ok
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